camera termoica

As we often repeat on these pages, climate tests play a fundamental role in ensuring the quality and reliability of products, at all levels and for many industries.

If we had to identify just one environmental parameter, the most essential for testing products and materials, this would undoubtedly be temperature.

There is virtually no product or material that does not continually deal with various levels of temperature and this significantly influences its performance and durability.

Thermal Chamber is the most essential laboratory instrument capable of carrying out temperature tests. Today we will see what a Thermal Chamber is and what it is used for.

What is a Thermal Chamber

The Thermal Chamber is part of the larger family of climatic chambers.

Climatic chambers are laboratory instruments consisting of a vessel hermetically insulated from the outside, inside which it is possible to alter, regulate and monitor a series of environmental parameters.

Almost all climatic chambers can alter two fundamental parameters: temperature and relative humidity. Other types of cameras introduce tools that simulate the effect of ambient sunlight or precipitation.

On the other hand, the thermal chamber allows you to alter only one environmental parameter: the temperature.

Nonetheless, like the most equipped climatic chambers, the environmental chamber also allows the execution of both static and dynamic tests, as we will see shortly.

Climate Stress

Discover the new series of Climate Chambers for controlled climate testing

What is the Thermal Chamber used for?

The Thermal Chamber is used to conduct a series of environmental tests on samples of products and/or materials in order to verify their behavior at certain temperatures or following progressive or sudden variations.

As we anticipated, it is difficult to name a product or material that does not have to deal with different temperatures during its life cycle.

For this reason, the thermal chamber is used in almost all industrial sectors, in specific temperature tests.

Among these, the following stand out: electronics, automotive, construction, pharmaceuticals and the food sector.

These industries depend on thermal chambers to test and validate the strength, durability and performance of their products under normal or extreme environmental conditions.

The Most Common Tests in Thermal Chamber 

Thermal chambers are used in all those tests where temperature is the main factor to take into consideration.

Here are some of the most common:


  • b>Thermal cycle tests: these are the dynamic tests we mentioned, i.e. tests in which the temperature varies in cycles from the predefined regularity in order to test the behavior of products and materials in a variable environmental context. We talked about it here.
  • Stability test: the stability test, on the other hand, is the most widespread static test. Essential especially in the pharmacological and food fields, it serves to detect important information about a product such as its storage conditions, expiry date and so on. Here is the article.
  • Thermal shock tests: Finally we have thermal shock tests which aim to identify the behavior of a material or product if subjected to a thermal shock, i.e. a sudden change in temperature. Here is an in-depth article.


All these tests are regulated by a series of standards issued by internationally recognized bodies.

The best known are ISO, IEC and ICH.

You cannot find the ideal chamber for your test?

Create your own environment, according to any test requirement

The FDM Thermal Chamber


For over 70 years, FDM - Environmental Makers has been a leading company in the environmental testing sector.

Our thermal chambers are equipped to perform all the temperature tests described above, whether static or dynamic, thanks to two different systems: the stillFACE controller for the static ones and the revoFACE programmer for the dynamic ones.

For further doubts and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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