
Testing products and materials are essential to ensure their safety, reliability and a certain level of performance. Especially over time.

This is where durability testing comes into play, which verifies the resistance of a product or material to wear, aging and other environmental and mechanical stress factors.

In the following article we will see what durability testing consists of, for which sectors it is important and how it is performed.

Types of Tests in Durability Testing


Durability testing is not actually a single test but a family of tests that subjects the sample to different conditions.

What types of tests are included in durability testing varies from sector to sector, from product to product but these are some of the most common and transversal:


  • Fatigue Testing: the resistance of materials to repeated load cycles, such as vibrations, impacts or movements are verified.
  • Abrasion Testing: evaluating the resistance of surfaces or coatings to wear caused by repeated friction.
  • Corrosion Tests: simulate exposure to corrosive conditions, such as moisture or harsh chemical environments, to determine resistance to rust or chemical degradation.
  • Climatic Tests: simulate exposure to temperature changes, humidity, sunlight and other extreme environmental conditions.

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In Which Industries is Durability Testing Needed?


Due to its universality, durability testing is important in almost all industrial sectors.

Virtually every product that must guarantee long-term reliability is involved in durability testing. But the ones where it is most common are the following.


  • Automotive: in particular for components such as brakes, suspensions and tires must withstand repeated loads and adverse environmental conditions.
  • Aerospace: airplanes and spacecraft must withstand extreme stresses and sudden climate changes.
  • Electronics: both consumer electronics and components are subjected to a rigorous series of tests including durability testing.
  • Construction: building materials must maintain their structural integrity for years, withstanding continuous exposure to the elements.

Climatic Tests for Durability Testing


Climatic tests play an important role in durability testing, because almost all products are exposed to more or less extreme environmental conditions and sudden changes in temperature.

For this reason, it is necessary to have a climatic chamber to perform the durability test.

The climatic chamber is a laboratory instrument capable of simulating different environmental conditions inside it, thanks to precise control of the temperature and relative humidity parameters.

Furthermore, climatic chambers can be equipped with lighting systems and diffusers to simulate, respectively, exposure to sunlight and corrosive agents.

Climatic tests for durability testing are regulated by a series of internationally recognized standards, among which we can mention:


  • ISO 16750-4: specifies the environmental requirements for electrical and electronic components in vehicles, including temperature and humidity tests.
  • ISO 9227: describes the methods for conducting salt spray tests, used to evaluate corrosion resistance.
  • ISO 4892: covers exposure to artificial light and weathering to test for accelerated aging of polymeric materials.


These standards provide detailed guidelines on how to perform the tests and evaluate the results, ensuring that the products tested meet stringent durability requirements.

You cannot find the ideal chamber for your test?

Create your own environment, according to any test requirement

The FDM Climatic Chamber for Durability Testing


For over seventy years, FDM - Environment Makers has been a leading company in the field of climatic testing.

FDM climatic chambers are designed to perform all the above-mentioned climatic tests and meet international durability testing requirements.

For further needs, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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