
Although we mainly deal with environmental and climate tests, we have already talked about chromatography on these pages; an article you can read here.

Chromatography is a chemical analysis technique used to separate and identify the components of a mixture. Among various forms of chromatography, thin layer chromatography (TLC) is widely used due to its simplicity and versatility.

Today we will talk about the TLC Chamber for carrying out thin layer chromatography.

How the TLC Camera works


By TLC Chamber we refer to the environment in which thin layer chromatography takes place.

all’ambiente in cui si svolge la cromatografia su strato sottile.

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a method of chemical separation of chemical compounds. This is an analysis that has qualitative and quantitative aspects and works like this: a sample - i.e. the chemical compound to be analyzed - is applied to a thin layer of absorbent material on a glass or plastic plate. This thin layer, also called a stationary support, interacts with the sample and a solvent that moves along the support, thus separating the sample components based on their chemical interactions.

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What is the TLC Camera used for?


The TLC Camera is used in a wide range of industries, including medicinal chemistry, forensic research, the food industry and environmental chemistry.

Let's see some examples


  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry: the TLC chamber is widely used for the quality control of drugs and for the analysis of chemical compounds present in pharmaceutical substances. For example, it is used to identify the presence of impurities in drugs or to determine the concentration of active ingredients in pharmaceutical products.


  • Food Industry: the TLC chamber is used to analyze and monitor the presence of contaminants or additives in food products. It can be used to identify artificial colours, preservatives or pesticides in foods, thus ensuring compliance with food safety regulations.


  • Forensic Research: the TLC camera is a valuable tool for the analysis of biological samples, such as blood, urine or body fluids, in order to identify the presence of toxicological substances or drugs. It can be used to determine the chemical composition of samples collected from crime scenes or forensic toxicology investigations.
      : la camera TLC è uno strumento prezioso per l'analisi di campioni biologici, quali sangue, urina o fluidi corporei, al fine di identificare la presenza di sostanze tossicologiche o droghe. Può essere utilizzata per determinare la composizione chimica di campioni raccolti da scene del crimine o da indagini di tossicologia forense.


    • Environmental Chemistry: the TLC chamber is used to monitor the quality of air, water and soil, identifying the presence of pollutants or chemical contaminants. For example, it can be used to analyze samples of water contaminated by industrial chemicals or to identify pesticide residues in soil.

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The Climatic Chamber as a TLC Chamber


We said that when we talk about TLC Chamber we are referring to the environment where Thin Layer Chromatography analyzes are carried out.

Well, there is no better environment than a climatic chamber.

The Climatic Chamber is a laboratory instrument consisting of a compartment hermetically insulated from the outside within which it is possible to regulate and monitor the environmental parameters, above all the temperature and relative humidity.

Having such an environment is useful in the analysis of unstable chemical compounds that require precise environmental values.

FDM climatic chambers offer this laboratory condition to perform Thin Layer Chromatography in a controlled environment.

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