Camere Climatiche FDM Italia Roma

If you are here, it is because you know you need a climatic chamber but you are not sure how to choose the right product for your needs.

This practical guide to choosing a climatic chamber will explain where and what to look for when choosing the right model for your needs.

The climatic chamber is an essential tool for those who need to conduct controlled experiments on materials or products, in simulated environmental conditions, but there are many models with substantial differences in terms of performance and tests that can be carried out.

Climatic chambers are in fact used in many different sectors such as the automotive, aerospace, electronics, pharmaceutical and agri-food industries.

Each of these sectors has specific needs and the climatic chamber model best suited to their purposes.

So let's see what to look for when choosing a climatic chamber.

Climate Stress

Discover the new series of Climate Chambers for controlled climate testing

Climatic Chamber Guide: Fundamental Parameters


Climatic chambers are environments isolated from the outside and are designed to control a series of crucial environmental parameters.

There are two fundamental ones: temperature and relative humidity. Without these, it is not possible to talk about a climatic chamber.

If you only need temperature control for your tests, you may need a thermostatic chamber or a laboratory refrigerator.

Climatic chambers, on the other hand, all have relative humidity control. Generally, they can simulate humidity conditions ranging from 10% to 98% relative humidity. This is particularly useful for testing the resistance of materials to corrosion or for studying the growth of mold and bacteria.

As for temperature control, however, it is necessary to distinguish between climatic chambers and environmental chambers.

Standard climatic chambers are able to operate over a wide range of temperatures, often from -20°C to +70°C.

Environmental chambers, on the other hand, are specialized in so-called extreme tests and reach temperatures of -40°C downwards and +180°C upwards.

invece sono specializzate nei cosiddetti test estremi e raggiungono temperature pari -40°C in discesa e +180°C in salita. 

The former are ideal for sectors such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or the food industry, where products must be tested in normal environmental conditions.

The latter are instead required in sectors such as electronics, the military and aerospace industries, where tests such as Burn-In are performed that subject the components to strong environmental stress to test their limits.

Extreme Testing

Discover the new series of Environmental Chambers for controlled climate testing

Guide to the Climatic Chamber: Additional Accessories


In addition to the standard parameters of temperature and humidity, a climatic chamber can be equipped with a series of additional accessories that expand its environmental simulation capabilities.

Lighting, for example, is a crucial environmental factor in many research sectors.

Different lighting sets are necessary in experiments that involve the growth of plants or cell cultures. These sets can simulate day-night cycles and different intensities of sunlight.

Climatic chambers specialized in this type of test are known precisely as illumination chambers or growth chambers.

Other tests instead require simulating the effect of precipitation on products and materials, such as rain or snow. Accessories such as salt spray diffusers can be installed in the chambers to perform a wide variety of tests as we have explained here.

Finally, it is good to pay attention to the electronic brain of the climatic chamber itself. All climatic chambers are equipped with temperature and humidity controllers but only some also have a programmer that is able to set dynamic tests, that is, those tests that include different cycles with different parameters.

Many tests outlined by international organizations such as ISO, include dynamic tests or procedures consisting of multiple tests.

In these cases, the presence of a programmer greatly facilitates the work of technicians and increases the precision of the procedures themselves.

You cannot find the ideal chamber for your test?

Create your own environment, according to any test requirement

The FDM Climatic Chamber


For over 70 years, FDM - Environment Makers has been designing climatic chambers suited to the needs of the market.

We have all the models we have talked about, including the best-selling, the standard climatic chamber that has both the stillFACE controller for stability tests and the revoFACE controller to program dynamic ones.

Furthermore, our technicians are always available to discuss with the customer to design a custom climatic chamber that meets their specific needs.

For further doubts and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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