
A large part of scientific research in the plant field is conducted in the laboratory with the aid of specific instruments.

One of the most fascinating and useful techniques in this sector is micropropagation, a process that aims to reproduce plant species quickly and effectively, allowing precise and replicable studies.

But how does it work exactly? And what instruments are needed to obtain the best results?

In today's article we will answer these questions.

What is Micropropagation


Micropropagation is a vegetative propagation technique that allows you to obtain one or more clones of a mother plant starting from a small portion of plant tissue. The fundamental phases of this method take place in the laboratory, in vitro, in sterile conditions, and allow you to multiply plants quickly and without the risk of contamination.

We can divide micropropagation into four phases:


  • Introduction: the plant tissue, called explant, is taken from the mother plant and sterilized.
  • Multiplication: through in vitro culture, the production of new shoots is stimulated.
  • Root: the shoots are treated to develop roots.
  • Acclimatization: the seedlings are transferred to controlled environments to adapt to external conditions.


Thanks to this process, it is possible to obtain thousands of healthy and genetically identical plants in a short period of time.

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What is Micropropagation Used For


Micropropagation is a crucial process for scientific research and the genetic study of plants but it also has direct commercial purposes. Micropropagation occupies an important place in various sectors, such as agriculture and biodiversity conservation.

One of the main purposes is the large-scale production of disease-free plants, which is essential for commercial agriculture. Thanks to micropropagation, it is possible to market virus-free or virus-controlled propagation material and certify its health status.

Furthermore, micropropagation allows the preservation of rare or threatened species, offering a solution for the conservation of biodiversity.

Micropropagation chambers


We have said that micropropagation is mostly carried out in the laboratory. To achieve optimal and reproducible results, researchers use highly technological instruments called Micropropagation Chambers.

Camere per la Micropropagazione.

Micropropagation chambers, also known as growth chambers, are made up of hermetically isolated compartments within which it is possible to guarantee ideal conditions for in vitro cultivation.

In propagation chambers, it is possible to set, control and monitor four fundamental parameters:


  • Lighting: plants need adequate light for photosynthesis. Micropropagation chambers implement various LED or fluorescent lighting systems that simulate different intensities of sunlight, allowing specific lighting cycles to be set for each type of plant species.
  • Temperature: precise temperature control is essential for the growth of any organism, including plant cultures. In micropropagation chambers, it is possible to precisely set and adjust the internal temperature in order to provide the ideal environment for the species under examination.
  • Humidity: equally, it is essential to control the humidity level of the environment. For this reason, in propagation chambers it is possible to set the relative humidity level of the chamber separately, ensuring the perfect conditions for micropropagation.
  • Air quality: finally, the purity of the air is crucial to avoid fungal or bacterial infections. To this end, micropropagation chambers are equipped with HEPA filters and VOC reduction systems.

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FDM Environment Makers Micropropagation Chambers


FDM - Environment Makers has been a leading company in the climate simulation sector for over 70 years. Specifically, in the field of research on plant cultures, we have collaborated with the University of Turin to custom design a chamber suited to the needs of their laboratories.

Our micropropagation chambers offer a wide range of lighting that adapts to different types of crops but can be further customized to meet the specific needs of each customer.

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