We often talk on these pages about tests on products and materials and in particular about climate tests.
In the family of climate tests, environmental stress tests are a subcategory with precise characteristics.
In the following article, we will give some examples of environmental stress to understand it better.
What is Environmental Stress
In a broad sense, environmental stress is any type of stress that a product or material experiences during its life cycle.
Examples of environmental stress, therefore, affect every product and every material we have around us in everyday life.
However, more technically, we call environmental stress those stresses that can seriously damage the material or product in question. Consequently, environmental stress tests are those that simulate stresses of this nature.
Extreme Testing
Discover the new series of Environmental Chambers for controlled climate testing
Some examples of Environmental Stress
Almost all sectors are affected by environmental stress tests. However, some are more so than others, such as electronics for example, a sector in which so-called "extreme climate tests" abound, examples of environmental stress tests that stress electronic components to the point of "failure case".
So let's look at some examples of environmental stress
- Burn-In Test on Electronic Boards: also called HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening), the Burn-In test short-circuits all the components of the board through climatic stress.
The main objective of a burn-in test is to detect what in jargon is called infant mortality.
We talked about it in detail here.
- Cyclic Humidity Resistance Test: again within the electronics sector we find the cyclical humidity resistance test.
The test serves to verify the resistance of the circuits to extreme levels of humidity and bases its effectiveness on the use of low temperature cycles and subcycles, which constitute alternating periods of quasi-condensation and drying.
Here is an article that addresses it in detail.
- Salt spray test: serves to test the effect of corrosion on products and materials and is in turn divided into three main tests: Dry corrosion test, Alternate salt spray and Continuous salt spray test.
We also talked about this environmental stress in depth in a dedicated article.
You cannot find the ideal chamber for your test?
Create your own environment, according to any test requirement
The FDM Environmental Chamber for Environmental Stress
All the tests we have talked about must be conducted using appropriate laboratory instruments. These instruments are called climatic chambers.
In particular, the FDM Environmental Chamber is a climatic chamber specialized in extreme climate tests, which include the examples of environmental stress we have mentioned.
These rooms can reach very high values of both temperature and relative humidity, both positive and negative.
For further doubts and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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