Materials tend to change their characteristics according to the different environmental conditions to which they are exposed.
Starting from the nature of each one and from the use that will be made of it, it is fundamental therefore to be able to be able to to foresee the reaction of a compound in any possible situation, before putting it on the market.
Climatic testing for building material
The topic gets even more delicate in the case of building material.
The compounds used to build our homes and buildings, are subjected to more stress than others and to the reproduction of environmental conditions that simulate real ones:
we are talking about building material climatic testing.
Global warming and building materials
Today, more than ever, buildings have to deal with the consequences of global warming, a key topic in many recent debates.
Buildings, especially those who are not recent, have shown a significant increase in damage in recent years. The unpredictability of weather conditions (droughts, rains and strong winds, record temperatures - see the urban heat island phenomenon) is seriously endangering our constructions.
An unmanageable vulnerability, if we do not do anything to solve the issue.
The unraveling of structures due to the effects of climate change is an increasing phenomenon: one of the various examples we have already discussed is Frost heaving.
Concrete Climatic testing
So how do we design structures that are less subject to these unpredictability?
Subjecting building materials to stability tests and accelerated aging.
The growing demand for building material that could be more resistant, flexible and less exposed to the various climatic phenomena, has consequently increased the requirement for more rigid climatic tests.
At the same time, the various research laboratories have developed regulations and reference standards to officialize the various processes.
The most common reference standards are: EN-1367-1, EN-12004; EN-1348
How to produce resistant building material then?
By subjecting building material to climatic tests.
FDM manufacturing test chamber experience
FDM has been working in the field since 1949: over the years we have acquired a unique know-how, and have become a leader in the field of climatic testing of materials, thanks to a focus on innovation and customization.
FDM can in fact provide fully customizable solutionseven from scratch, according to the different requirements of the customer, starting from the core business, that of the climatic chambers.
Concrete testing in a climate-controlled environment
Let us consider the specific case of concrete.
Several companies contact us every day to perform climatic tests for specimens / samples of building materials (concrete testing / cement testing).
For more information on the concrete testing topic, check the Guide to the Carbonation of Concrete
The problem to be solved is to test concrete resistance to different environmental conditions.

The FDM flooding climate chamber system
To perform concrete tests in a climatic environment, we have created a climate-controlled environment with a flooding system.
The climatic chambers equipped with the FDM flooding system for tests on building materials treats the concrete by immersing it in water and controlling it climatically through tanks.
The tanks system for climatic chambers, allows to fill and empty water in a container located inside the climatic chamber, without having to open it.
It is composed of two containers of 150 liters each.

The filling of the inner container is managed by a leveler.
Water filling and draining takes place via a fill and drain valve located at the bottom of both containers.
The external container is divided into two parts, one contains the water and the other one manages its flow.
Inside a hydraulic pump, a drain valve and a temperature thermostat for water are installed.

The thermostat is set at 23° C by the manufacturer, and manages the right water temperature through a resistance.
Below you can download a summary technical sheet for this system.
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