uv lamps

If you are here it is because you have heard about UV testings and solar radiation chambers and you want to know more.

Among the climatic tests, that of solar radiation by means of UV lamps is among the least common and yet indispensable for a whole series of materials and products that must demonstrate a certain resistance to direct exposure to sunlight.

In the following article, we will explain in detail the UV testing and the operation of the solar radiation chamber to help you choose the best product to meet your needs.

What are UV Testing Lamps

Climatic chamber's UV testing for solar radiation is carried out by means of ultraviolet light lamps that were first developed by Robert Williams Wood at the beginning of the twentieth century.

This type of lamps are capable of emitting ultraviolet radiation, that is the wavelength immediately shorter than the light visible to the human eye which constitutes 10% of the light emitted by the sun.

UV rays are the real culprits of the phenomena that we generally attribute to excessive sun exposure such as tanning, freckles, sunburn but also the aging of materials and for this reason they are used in the accelerated aging test in a climatic chamber.

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How UV Testing works

Since Wood's times, technology has made great strides and today we divide UV lamps into three types: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C.

UV-A lamps are the most common and the only ones on the market for general consumers. They emit a long wave in the range of 315-400 nanometers.

The UV-B and UV-C lamps, respectively medium wave and short wave, are instead intended for technical uses since their wave amplitude can modify human DNA.

Each of these lamps has multiple uses in different disciplines such as medicine, microbiology, paleontology and restoration.

In the solar radiation chamber mainly UV-A and UV-B lamps are used but some models are also equipped with UV-C.

The purpose of the accelerated aging test is to verify the effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight of a product or material, therefore the use of more powerful lamps can shorten the test time.

In-room UV testing for solar radiation is internationally regulated by a series of standards including ASTM 0154, ASTM D4329 and ASTM D4587.


The solar radiation chamber with UV testing by FDM


The solar radiation chamber with UV testing is an environmental chamber or climatic chamber that can be equipped with a system of UV lamps to simulate prolonged exposure to sunlight. Typically, these are all-round climate chambers that can alter the most common climate test parameters, such as temperature and humidity, which are also relevant in the accelerated aging test with UV lamps.

The FDM environmental chamber can be equipped with the latest generation UV lamps and its simple and intuitive interface will guide the operator in every phase of UV testing. Write to us to find out more.

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